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I've tried every diet out there and had no success until I worked with Teri.  Just by switching some of my foods out for similar ones, I have lost 16 pounds and have more energy now than I ever had!

Joan K.

Los Angeles

Teri is an amazing nutritional consultant to work with. I had been working out on a regular schedule and reached a plateau that I couldn't get past. Teri set up a weekly food goal program for me that helped to incorporate all kinds of new foods into my diet. She took the time each week to explain how these new foods would work with each other to help me achieve my goals. Her passion for nutrition was evident every session and that really helped me get excited to achieve my goals.

Chris D.

Los Angeles

Teri helped me successfully adjust my diet to get my blood sugar levels in control. I was pre-diabetic before meeting with Teri and now my blood sugar levels are in the normal range. I still enjoy eating out but I now understand how food affects my body.

Chris P.

Los Angeles

My 25 year daughter has suffered from severe autoimmune disease problems all of her life..   We have gone doctor to doctor, filled prescription after prescription all on a quest to get healthy and for her to feel good.


Things came to a head a few months ago when she still was feeling terrible and was taking a handful of medications daily and getting nowhere.   Then we found Teri!


Over the course of about 10 weeks, my daughter has lost weight, no longer takes daily allergy medicine, hasn’t taken over the counter Ibuprofen for headaches, and most importantly, her blood levels have gone back to  normal.  She feels good and the inflammation in her body, which was fueling most of her problems., is so much lower and controlled.


Teri has taught her what her body needs.  The signals, warnings, and what her body type needs to function at an optimal healthy level.  I’m  thankful for Teri and the good health she has brought my daughter

Paula C.

Los Angeles

At 37 years old, I can finally say I love my body, and I'm not hungry. Teri has equipped me with the knowledge to make more efficient choices – choices that don't compromise my love of food with my desire to fit into my jeans. There were foods out there that I didn't know even existed. She has such a vast understanding of nutrients and food combinations that satisfy the foodie in me without feeling like I'm on a diet or depriving myself of anything really.

Tatiana P.

Los Angeles

Teri recently nursed me back to health after a surgery that left my digestion a mess. She set me up with a plan of eating, all the right supplements, and taught me what each thing I ingested was designed to do. The BEST thing about my experience with Teri was her sincere love and support through my recovery process. She calmed my anxiety, was unbelievably available to answer all of my crazy questions, and even coached me while I was panicked in a grocery store! In just a few days I felt like myself again. Teri is AMAZING, anyone suffering with their digestive health should call her ASAP!!!!

Corrie S.

Los Angeles

It was so important to have Teri to teach me the right foods to eat.  She really cared about me, and she gave me this incredibly warm personal feeling that really encouraged me to get healthy.  She changed the way I’ve eaten for 57 years!  I’ve lost weight and gained strength, and now I no longer suffer from the day to day yuck caused by indigestion and upset stomach.  I would highly recommend Teri to anyone wanting to change their diets and their lives!  She sure changed mine!

Kathy T

New Mexico

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